How cookies track you around the web and how to stop them

HTTP cookies help web developers give you more personal, convenient website visits. Cookies let websites remember you, your website logins, shopping carts and more. Without cookies, you’d have to log in again after you leave a site or rebuild your shopping cart if you accidentally close the page. So cookie can be an important part of the internet experience.

But they can also be a treasure trove of private info for criminals to spy on. Cookies allow sites to store a unique ID in your browser, and therefore to track you.

Cookies play an important role in web3 tracking, they can be considered a bridge between Web2 and Web3. Web 3.0 Trackers may use cookies to recognize the real identity of the user. So knowing how to deal with them can keep your privacy safe.

Guarding your privacy online can be overwhelming. Fortunately, even a basic understanding of cookies can help you keep unwanted eyes off your internet activity.